Ethics and transparency

Farmaceutici Caber, being aware to play a role in the creation of a more and more modern health system for the benefit of citizens’ health, models its conduct on principles of ethics and transparency.

Relationship with stakeholders

Farmaceutici CABER deems it essential to establish an ethic, loyal and transparent relationship with its counterparts, either Healthcare operators, Institutions, Citizens, Collaborators or commercial Partners.

On this basis, the Company operates in accordance with current rules and regulations, professional ethics and internal policies. Although not associated with Farmindustria, Farmaceutici CABER observes the Code of Conduct issued by this association.

Furthermore, on the basis of the ethical principles that guide its actions and to satisfy the increasingly pressing and continuous expectations of legality and transparency expressed by both Citizens and Institutions, Farmaceutici CABER has adhered with conviction to theEFPIA Code (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) whose contents have been included in the Code of Conduct of Farmindustria.

The correct and positive relationship established between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals (HCP: Healthcare Professionals) and/or healthcare organizations (HCO: Healthcare Organisations) has always led to the research and development of innovative therapies, useful for safeguarding one of the rights fundamentals of Citizens and constitutionally guaranteed, i.e. the right to health. In fact, it is worth highlighting that the Transfers of Value between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community, to which the EFPIA Code refers, cannot and must not be considered exclusively as transfers of an economic nature; they also allow the mutual transfer of a much more important value which is that of scientific knowledge, to the full advantage of Citizens/Patients.

he cooperation between pharmaceutical Industry, healthcare Operators and healthcare Organisations, already well regulated by the current legislation, becomes even more transparent thanks to the application of the EFPIA Code.

Such further transparency in relationships shall consolidate the basis for the future collaborations and lead to further benefits for Citizens/Patients that, having the opportunity to know the contents of such relationships, shall be in the condition to receive the proposed treatments with greater trust and awareness.

The Transfers of Value

The Transfers of Value, which data publication is requested for, are those relative to the participation to Events (Conventions, Congresses, Visits to production plants…), consulting and professional services, donations and contributions, research and development (clinical, non-clinical and observational trials).

Code of Conduct and MOMC ex Legislative Decree n. 231/2001

The pursuit of the Company’s interests can never justify conduct contrary to the principles of honesty, correctness, legitimacy and transparency. To this end, the Company’s Administrative Body has adopted the Code of Conduct which, in addition to identifying the reference ethical standards, highlights the set of rights, duties and responsibilities of all those who, in any capacity, operate therein , whether they are employees, consultants or in any case subjects linked by a collaborative relationship. The Code of Conduct plays a fundamental role in maintaining these principles: Farmaceutici Caber S.r.l. undertakes to disseminate its contents to those who come into contact with it and requires compliance with this Code by its employees, ISF, consultants and/or collaborators. The Code of Conduct also constitutes a governance tool and is an integral part of the company’s “Organization, Management and Control Model” for the protection from offenses as provided for in the Legislative Decree. n. 231/2001 regarding the administrative responsibility of the Company.
